National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
September 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day. This is a day for all of us to honour the memories of the Indigenous children who never made it back to their homes, as well as the survivors, families and communities that still carry the grief and pain that are the legacy of the residential school system. It’s also an occasion for us to reflect on our own places in the colonial systems that gave rise to that system and that endure to this day — and to learn how we can do more to dismantle those systems and pursue a path of truth and reconciliation.
Please see below list of events in the Fraser Valley or online you are encouraged to participate in:
StoryWalk: Semá:th X̱ó:tsa: Sts’ólemeqwelh Sx̱ó:tsa (Great Gramma’s Lake) – Friday September 23 -Saturday October 1, 9:00 am -5:00 pm. 32320 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford BC. Free.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Healing Walk – Friday, September 30, 10:30 am – 2:00pm – Vancouver Career College 101-2121 Clearbrook Rd. Abbotsford BC.
Health & Wellness Pow Wow – Friday, September 30, 1:00 pm, 7:00 pm and Saturday October 1, 1:00 pm, 7:00 pm. 46363 Yale Rd E, Chilliwack, BC.
Stó:lō Honouring Residential School Thrivers and Survivors – Friday, September 30th 10:30am to 12pm – Coqualeetza Residential School Memorial Post (North side of longhouse) – 7201 Vedder Road, Chilliwack, BC
National Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day – Friday, September 30, 11:00 am – Fraser River Heritage Park.
Online virtual Events:
It’s Our Time – Education Toolkit. Learning Modules: Ongoing, no end date. Available online.
September 30 Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters “Canada’s National Day For Truth And Reconciliation”: Ongoing, no end date. Available Online.
Personal Pledge of Reconciliation: Ongoing. No end date.
Indigenous Canada: Free Online Course: No end date. University of Alberta, available online.
Weaving our Story Towards Reconciliation: Priscilla Omulo. Launches Friday, September 30. Kinsmen Hall Port Coquitlam BC. Online component