FVLC January General Meeting

January 17, 2024 at
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Legacy Sports Conference Room (In between Rotary Stadium and Exhibition Park soccer fields) 3270 Trethewey Street Abbotsford, BC V2T4C1

Please join us for our regular Fraser Valley Labour Council in Person Meeting.  This will be our first meeting of 2024, there is so much to catch up on and so much to do as we start a new year. We look forward to seeing you all there, this meeting will be hybrid so if you require access via zoom, please email us on fvlcinfo@gmail.com otherwise we look forward to seeing you in person.

The meeting will be in person at 7pm on January 17th at the

Legacy Sports Conference Room, 3270 Trethewey Street, Abbotsford, V2T 4C1

The Conference Room is located in the Legacy Sports Building located in between Rotary Sports Stadium and the Rugby\Soccer Fields at Exhibition Park in Abbotsford.

You can park your vehicle in the main Exhibition Park Car Parking lot close to the soccer fields and walk past the changing rooms and into the Legacy Room, first door on the left.