Postal Worker Strike (CUPW)

Members of the CLC Canadian Council

As you’re aware, CUPW has been engaged in difficult negotiations with Canada Post, which has led to the workers making the decision to begin strike action on November 15th.

Here is a letter from Jan Simpson, President of CUPW, requesting support in this action from the affiliates.  CUPW-SupportNationalStrike-2024-11-18-EN.pdf

This includes supporting the picket locations. The lines and supporting materials including a letter
writing tool and social media assets can be found at these links:

CUPW Picket Line Locations | Lieux de piquetage du STTP

Support Your Postal Workers! – Canadian Union of Postal Workers

Please make every effort to support CUPW in their fight to ensure a fair collective agreement with Canada Post!

In solidarity,
Bea Bruske